Monday, May 13, 2019

What Happens If You Destroy Plan B?

There is a great freedom to taking a “risk-free” risk.  One example that comes to mind is the high school student that creates a business.  His parents are his main support.  Everyone wins if the new business takes off.  And if the business fails he simply gets another part-time job while attending school.  The student in this example always has a Plan B.  The only real risk would be if the student did something that endangered the family assets or the way the parents earned their incomes.  We all understand the value of having and protecting a Plan B, a backup plan.

A decision was made in 2010 to guarantee health insurance coverage, the way most Americans access and pay for health care, to people with preexisting conditions.  This was, for many Americans, the most important feature of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).   The thinking wasn’t all that complicated – If you herd everyone into one large insurance pool, the sick and the healthy, we would spread the risk evenly making it possible to cover even the most unhealthy amongst us and at a reasonable premium.  Part two was that even if you are healthy today, there is no guarantee that you won’t be unhealthy tomorrow.  Pooling our risk made it more likely that insurance would be available when you eventually need it.

Did it work as planned?  NO!  The law may have been crafted with the best of intentions, but it fell short.  And, just as importantly, the PPACA had any number of opponents working against its success from day 1.

The law was dependent upon participation.  It was a given that the sick and injured would sign up for coverage.  I remember the initial Obamacare enrollment in the fall of 2013 for coverage beginning January 1, 2014.  I had families save over $1,000 per month with their new policies.  The new maternity benefits were very popular.  Young women and the unhealthy under age 65 all left my office smiling.  

Somebody has to pay.

Newton’s Third Law is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  If Doctor Herman’s (name changed) coverage decreased $1,200 per month, the healthiest amongst us are going to pay more.  There was a reason the insurance company was charging the higher premiums for those with preexisting conditions.  Worse, those higher premiums were often capped by law and didn’t begin to cover the claims incurred.  If the insurance pool is properly stocked with healthy people, we can withstand the claims of the unhealthy.  But, every time a healthy person leaves the insurance pool, the risk, the claims, are spread over a smaller group of premium payers.

I don’t believe that this is particularly hard to understand.  This concept of insurance is based on RISK, the possibility that you will need access to care.  We cannot build a system based on CERTAINTY, the knowledge that you will need care and that the cost of care is more than the cost of insurance.

The original law included the Individual Mandate, which penalized those who chose to not participate.  That has been eliminated.  There have been many attempts to weaken of sabotage the PPACA.  Last October the Trump administration published new guidance for Section 1332 waivers, the Obamacare provision that allowed states to improve the law.  Here is the link to the federal registry.  Reaction was swift and almost universally negative.

Most observers saw the new rules as a direct attack on people with preexisting conditions and the coverage that they so desperately needed.  The change allowed a state to note the existence of a Plan B (access to a policy compliant with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) while actively promoting non-compliant policies that may not protect people with preexisting conditions.  It is no longer a “risk-free” risk if you destroy Plan B! 

Evaluations were quickly published by Deloitte, HealthTech Solutions, and Health Management Associates.  Within two months the Federation of American Hospitals, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and even AARP had weighed in and expressed concern.  These and others note the administration’s promotion of short term limited duration policies is designed to attract the healthier people from the comprehensive insurance market which will inevitably cause the prices to rise substantially.

The Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed H.R. 986 – Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act of 2019 last week.  This is the link to the text.  The goals of the legislation are:

  1. Prevent the destruction of the comprehensive insurance market (Plan B) by over-inflating the value and desirability of short term and other non-compliant policies.  
  2. To retain the value of the 1332 waivers in lowering prices by the creation of reinsurance pools and other innovations.  
  3. To enrage President Trump and draw a distinction between the political parties.

It is hard to guess whether or not this legislation will ever be addressed by the Senate, so goal 3 is the only certainty.  The White House issued a Statement of Administration Policy on May 7th, two days in advance of the final vote.  The final vote was primarily along party lines.  Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy published the amendments his members offered while the legislation was under debate.  My favorite was from George Holding (R-NC).  He proposed to change “the title of H.R. 986 to Insert Politically Punchy Title That Doesn’t Reflect The Bill Substance Act”.  That constructive effort garnered 184 votes on the House floor.  There isn’t any record on the Republican Cloakroom site of any productive amendments or any effort to improve the legislation.

I certainly hope that Mr. McCarthy and his buddy Mr. Holding never have to rely on Plan B.   Because if they have their way, it won’t be available when they need it.


Picture – No Outlet – David L Cunix

Monday, May 6, 2019

Cynicism Taken To Its Illogical Extreme

Befuddled In Iowa

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) was confused.  As this video shows, he was conducting a town hall meeting when one of his constituents noted that her life was dependent upon the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).  He couldn’t understand why she was worried.  Preexisting conditions are covered under Obamacare and Obamacare isn’t’ going anywhere.  It is the law of the land.  Sure the courts could rule it unconstitutional, but that probably won’t happen.  She asked him about his votes to repeal the law.  He didn’t understand the question.  That was ancient history, over a year ago.  This constituent actually thought that his votes to repeal Obamacare were serious.

We are currently living in the age of cynicism.   From the moment that the last Republican Senator abandoned the negotiations that created the PPACA and forced the eventual party-line vote, we have had a consistent political pitch to repeal the law.  Through the first eight years the Republican controlled House of Representatives could pass as many bills as they wished without any fear of the consequences.  And even when the Republicans took over the Senate they had the safety of an adult in the White House.  There wasn’t any risk to their votes.  They could keep the base riled up, keep the campaign funds rolling in, and never worry that anything was going to happen.  And even when the Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House, there was always someone (McCain?) to save them from themselves.

The problem is that not everyone was in on the scam.  A significant portion of the American public benefited from the law.  They took every assault on the law personally.  The Medicaid Expansion provided access to health care to the working poor.  Guaranteed issue with coverage for preexisting conditions eliminated the fears of millions of Americans.  Young women were now guaranteed maternity coverage.  And children could stay on their parents’ policies to age 26.  Would they lose their coverage?  Worse, many of the Congressmen who cynically initiated the fight were eventually replace by people who weren’t in on the joke (see Eric Cantor).   And state legislators in red states picked up the fight and took to the courts.

This blog has discussed the Texas lawsuit.   The big news is that the Trump administration, once oddly neutral in the fight to retain coverage for preexisting conditions, is now committed to declaring the law unconstitutional and recommending that the entire law be overturned.  This has resulted in a new round of panic amongst diabetics, heart patients, and those of us who have battled cancer.  During Congressional testimony Attorney General Barr brushed off concerns, mostly because he doesn’t give a damn.  Senator Grassley told his constituent that the lawsuit will probably fail.  And if it doesn’t? 

Senator Grassley, in a separate interview, noted that his constituents have nothing to worry about.  After all, he and a group of his fellow Senators just introduced the Protect Act, S 1125.  There are three tells, three ways to know that this isn’t serious legislation. 

  1. 1.       If you look at the Senators’ press releases and websites (Grassley, Portman, etc.), there isn’t a link to the legislation, just glowing terms of what it supposedly would do.  There are also no details about how it would protect preexisting conditions in these press releases.
  2.       The legislation is cosponsored by 18 Republican Senators.
  3. 3.     Like most legislation that is for show, the text of the legislation begins with the usual preamble detailing the ills of Obamacare.  You can always spot BS legislation when the author doesn’t even bother to use the official name, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, in the actual text.

I would review the legislation, but I see no reason to take it more seriously than the Senators who stuck their names on it.

Having failed to repeal The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act without a viable replacement, the full force of the federal government is now trying to get the law overturned in the courts.  This has left more than a few people concerned about their health insurance, the way most Americans access and pay for health care.  And it has left at least one Senator, that guy in Iowa, totally befuddled.


Picture – Room 1200 – David L Cunix